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Institutional Distinctiveness

Amguri College like all other institutions of higher education in Sivasagar District and in broad sense to catch up with the other premier institutions of higher education  has set up its vision of imparting quality higher education to the students .In this regard  from time to time have finetuned the very components of this noble vision which has been acknowledged throughout the state and which have got expressed through the production of astounding  results at the Degree Level in the Degree Final Year Exams throughout the last couple of years with students holding the laurel of best graduates in certain subjects apart from notching University Ranks. Behind this  marvelous achievement at work is the dedication of the qualified and knowledge-hungry teachers to bringing out the best in students by providing them with all sorts of textual ,co-textual knowledge apart from opening to them the channels to access an unending ocean of knowledge which the college has adopted as a mission. Both mission and vision have been synced and that is why the college till date has been able to carve its coveted recognition as one of the successful premier institutes of higher education . Mention-worthy is that   students not only have enabled themselves under the able guidance of teachers to show outstanding results but at the same time after passing out from the institution keep contacting the faculty members for guidance to choose next course of action either higher education or competitive exam  and most of them have made the college proud by cracking many state level competitive exams , joining different services under the government of Assam. In other cases some have been found to bring undying fame to the college by carrying out persistent research , resulting in innovations and as for some others with the education that they have been exposed to at the college , they have been able to contribute to the spreading of holistic environment and the promotion of the same.

            This being the scenario, it should be categorically emphasized that students are the powerbanksof the college deciding and determining the success in the past, present and in the days to come. Students need exposure at any cost to the entire resources of higher education and its springs which is well understood by the academic fraternity and the authority. As such the faculty and authority often brainstorm together to tap the pool of students in and around the periphery of the location of the college. It is well understood that there does  exist a batch of students who aspire after higher education but have hardly dreamt of fulfilling it being beaten off the track by their economic conditions. Such a batch of students has considered their inability to pay off the admission fees though meagre in nature as the college distinctively holds  the record of charging lowest admission fees in the state keeping in consideration the grave economic condition of the students studying in the feeder   schools . The college authority having sensitized the fact that a batch of meritorious students cant even afford the least fees  , does consultation with  the faculty members and the controlling authority, the governing body of the college and ultimately waives off the entire fees in most cases and up to 90% in certain exceptional cases

           This practice of giving free studyship to meritorious students has been cherished by the college as one of the distinctive best practices which it has been prioritizing and giving extreme thrust upon. Each and every year, the faculty members visit neighbourhoods in search of such talented students and on the basis of the certificates fully verified shortlist the names of such contenders . The college also adopts another formula of shortlisting the names of such students by conducting department wise entrance exams on the basics of the subject students have aspired to major. Thus through these two formulas the final list of the students gets drafted and they have been usually intimated either through messenger or through phone. On the day of the admission, only for the sake of formal protocols their documents are verified and they are given admission accordingly without any charge. The college authority even ensures on demand and sometimes on voluntary basis that these students are not required to purchase any books as there is a horde of books both textual and reference on any subjects that these students can use for study at the college library or can get them issued to themselves for home study by using library cards. The college even sees to it that these meritorious students can enjoy all sorts of freebies . It is seen that under proper mentoring of teachers they can apply for merit scholarships belonging to both the state and central govts and it has been seen in real time that many meritorious students paying no fees at the time of admission have doubly benefitted by applying for merit scholarships under the guidance of teachers and in case of those lacking phone numbers, contact mails  , they too have been provided strategic support and assistance by the college. The college has many  functional trusts and the proceeds from the interest of funds accumulated in thae trusts too are leveraged to help out the very group of  students.

          This very best practice of helping the free education to meritorious students has another aspect to it wherein the role is played by the administration and faculty members. Basically the faculty members come out to help students within and outside the department either by funding the procurement of books by the students or by providing them with monetary assistance so that they can purchase the very textual and referential books that they feels indispensable for the pursuit of their study . Teachers have been found to even fund the costly survey based education as per demands of the subjects in the greater interest of the college, one of the prestigious best practices nurtured by the college till date.