Amguri College put its all efforts for the holistic development of the students. The college fraternity uses beginner student-centric methods so that learning becomes more facile , attractive to the students and enables them to realize their potentials , to utilize very learning while identifying the challenges andto the best possible extent helping the community of stuents to evolve themselves intellectually , translating themselves into various capacities such as teachers , mentors and leaders and thereby change the society in a positive direction diiseminating knowledge, information while also working out to diagnose the social psychological mental growth bottlenecks and to redress the menace of the same by translating the vbery bottlenecks into growth facilitators . Thereby the very student-centric methods utilized for service proves its efficacy which is often considered as the cornerstone of real education. Some of the experiential, participative and problem -solving teaching methods used by the college are as follows
Village areas are visited by several departments to gain an understanding of the socio-economic, psychological , psycho-social and economic factors of the lives of the people living in village areas.
IIC of Amguri College provides the platform for innovation thinkers including both the teachers and the students to dive into entrepreneurial teaching learning strategies, to innovate new strategies and take forward those entrepreneurial ideas beyond the classroom into the midst of common masses
Micro teaching and macro teaching practices are conducted among students by the teachers thereby facilitating them with firsthand knowledge which in turn is expected to translate the intertested community of students keen top take teaching as profession as efficacious future teachers.
The department of Education in its psychology lab provides experimental and experiential training of psychological issues to the major students.
Fully equipped language lab managed by the department of English provides opportunities to the students to assay and develop their language skills in English language, paving the way for the indoispensable betterment of their communication often hailed as cornerstone for grabbing jobs, appearing in competitive exam and then pursuing higher studies
The college employs an interactive approach through tools such as discussion, debates, oral group presentations to encourage greater participation and interactive leaning.
Project work is assigned to the students as a part of the syllabus to encourage them undertake problem-solving initiatives and to apply their ideas accordingly
Deductive and inductive methods of teaching are applied in class room.
Short term add-on courses are provided to the students to fill the gap of knowledge and give students a competitive edge.
Special lectures, seminars, conference are organized to encourage and motivate the students while ensuring active participation
Students are also taken to other college/ institution to participate in seminars, workshops on different issues and topics for the overall development of the personality and character.
NCC cadres are encoraged to participate in the NCC camps organized by different institutions and organizations.
NSS cadres naturally participate in NSS camps inside and outside the college campus.
Flip method and blended method of teaching are used.