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About the Department of Assamese , Amguri College

Amguri College was established in 1967.The department of Assamese was started from the time of establishment of the college though there was no permanent teachers in the department. We feel proud that Assamese classes are taken by our Honuorable founder Principal of Amguri College Lt. Mr Arun Mahanta and later on Assamese classes was managed by temporary teacher Mr. Dulal Phukon. Mrs. Suvarna Dutta Rai Boruah(HOD,Assamese) joined in the Department in the year 1972. At that time Mrs. Bichitra Saikia was engaged as temporary teacher to taken the classes of Assamese Department and later on Mr. Jugendra nath Baruah, Dr. Arpana Konwar, Mrs. Rina Borah, Mrs. Krishna Dutta Saikia and Late. Phatik Saikia was engaged as permanent teacher in the deptt. of Assamese. . In the year 1983,Dibrugarh University approved the Major Course in Assamese at Amguri College,In the early days,the enrollment in major course was very less, but gradually the enrollment increased as departmental academically risen. Today, the department offers to 70 Seats Assmese major.

Presently there are 4 teachers in the department of which two are Associate Prof. and Two are Assistant Prof. Mrs. Nilima Boruah(Present Vice Principal and Associate Prof.) joined the department in the year 1985.Mr. Tulu phukon (Present HOD & Associate Prof.) joined college in the year in 1988.Mrs. Dipanjali devi (Assistant Prof.) joined in the college in the year 2008. Dr. Mala Hazarika (Assistant Prof.) joined in the college in 2016.All the teachers of the department are actively associated with academic activities by engaging themselves in writing of books, seminar paper ,research paper etc. They are also associated with Examiner,Answer Script Evaluator, Scrutinizer, Tabulator in Dibrugarh University.

All the teachers of the department are actively associated with various academic activities by engaging themselves in student related works,own career development activities.

The department past history was glorious. The department has produced many graduates who are engaged in different area of works.Dr. Mala Hazarika and Dr. Pranab Dhekial Phukan, a product of Assamese Department of Amguri College, are rendering their service as assistant professor in provincialized college of Assam namely Amguri College and Sarupathar College respectively.We feel proud that Miss Dimpi Duwarah able to catch the First Class 4th Position in B.A final Examination 2019 under Dibrugarh University in Assamese Major from Amguri College.

The department of Assamese has a departmental forum named ‘Bibhagiya Chora’ which helps the students to develop their intellectual, mental and creative skills. Different types of competition and field studies are organized via ‘Bibhagiya Chora’ to help the students. The department also has a departmental Library for the benefits of students.

The present honourable Principal of Amguri College Dr. Ashfia Sultana has taken the initiative to publish the departmental Wall Magazine and Hand written Magazines so the department of Assamese was also started to published the departmental Wall Magazine and Hand written Magazine since 2012 for the overall esthetic development of the students.
The department is also engaged in organizing National Seminar, workshops, webinar etc.

Our Awesome Faculties

“Our job is to teach the student we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them.


Dr. Pranati BaruahAssistant Professor

Date of Joining: September ,24 2022

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Dr. Jayanta DuttaAssistant Professor

Date of Joining: September ,24 2022

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Dipanjali DeviAssistant Professor

Date of Joining: January ,08 2008

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Dr. Mala HazarikaAssistant Professor

Date of Joining: February ,15 2016

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